Dust collection systems for safe ash disposal
To generate a safe collection of dust particles, APF has developed various dust collection systems: Big-Bag Transfer Stations and Dust Containers. The big-bag transfer station for ash filling prevents dust generation during ash handling. Our dust containers are attached to the filter outlet of the fine dust filter for biomass furnaces and are available with a volume of 240, 400 or 800 litres, depending on the needs and capacity of the plant.
Dust containers
Dust bins in different sizes and designs
The most important function of the dust container is a risk-free collection of the dust particles as well as their safe removal. The containers are mounted directly on the filter outlet and are tightly sealed so that no fine dust particles can escape and enter the respiratory tract of the employees.
The following dust container versions are available:
Dust container 120 l, 240 l, 400 l and 800 l for filling from above or from the side
Dust container 400 l with bottom outlet, suitable for the big bag filling station.
By placing the container on the big bag filling station and the bottom outlet, dust-free emptying into the big bag is possible.
Big-Bag Transfer Station
The big-bag transfer station for APF's ash filling was developed with special attention to safety-relevant aspects. For example, the wood ash is manipulated as little as possible during logistics and handling, which in turn prevents dust formation. This safety-relevant functionality of the big bag filling station represents a unique selling point compared to other filling stations and has already received international awards.
Problem of conventional big bags
Normally, big bags are filled directly, but during this process they can be damaged or even set on fire by residual embers from unburned material and/or the high temperature of the ash and dust.
APF's solution
To avoid this, the ash and dust from the furnace, the pre-separator or the filter is first discharged directly into a special steel container with a bottom outlet, cooled in this container and only then transferred to the big bag in a cooled state with the aid of the big bag filling station without any significant dust formation.
Benefits of the Dust Collection Systems
no damage to the big bags due to residual embers
no melting of the big bags due to hot ash/dust
no burning of big bags in case of large amounts of unburnt material
safe cooling of the ash in closed steel containers
Variable cooling time due to number of ash containers
dust-free decanting thanks to containers with bottom outlet and big-bag filling station
can be retrofitted to existing plants
This leads to health benefits by minimising and avoiding
the risk of fire
the handling of hot ash
the dust exposure of the personnel